God told Noah to build a boat,
To pitch its holes with tar.
Beams of oak and gopher wood,
You’re gonna travel far.
’Cause the rain’s gonna come
And wash the people away,
’Cause they won’t obey.
So Noah called the animals two by two
Of every shape and kind.
He put them on the ark and he sealed it up
Started floating to the sky.
Looks like Noah’s ark is gonna save his life.
The rain came down, they came down,
Forty days and nights.
The rain came down, filled up the ground,
Covered everything in sight.
All the people that lived, the rain just washed away,
And only eight were saved.
Many days passed and the ark she landed
Up on the mountainside.
The rain was gone and the ground was dry,
Was a rainbow in the sky.
God made it for a sign, it ain’t gonna flood no more.
So Noah opened the door.
Going out now to fill up the earth,
Starting all over again.
Well, Noah and his sons they went out first,
Japheth, Ham, and Shem.
La la la la la la
La la la la la.
Music by Publius. Vocals by Theresa Alexander, Jason Lawrence, David L. Rugely, J. Russel, Michael Fridley, John Listen, Cathy Gehr, Kirck, Demis Roussos, Jean Manson, David Douglass.
Copyright © 1977 by The Family International