« Desenho em 3D: Milagres da Bíblia: Um Anjo Abre as Portas da Prisao Para os Apóstolos
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Milagres da Bíblia: Um Anjo Abre as Portas da Prisao Para os Apóstolos
All scriptures are paraphrased from the King James Version by Didier Martin.
Illustration and design by Didier Martin.
Copyright © 2015 by Didier Martin. Used by permission.
- PDF: Miracles in the Bible: An Angel Opens Prison Doors for the Apostles (English) (slideshow)
- PDF: Miracles in the Bible: An Angel Opens Prison Doors for the Apostles (Spanish) (slideshow)
- PDF: Miracles in the Bible: An Angel Opens Prison Doors for the Apostles (Japanese) (slideshow)
- PDF: Miracles in the Bible: An Angel Opens Prison Doors for the Apostles (Portuguese) (slideshow)