El amor, el más importante de los mandamientos, 2ª parte: Adora a Dios, no a las cosas materiales
Find here the full series of “Love, the Greatest Commandment.”
Authored by Christi S. Lynch. Illustrations by Didier Martin. Design by Stefan Merour.
Copyright © 2015 by The Family International
- PDF: Love, the Greatest Commandment, Part 2: Worship God, Not Things (English) (slideshow)
- PDF: Love, the Greatest Commandment, Part 2: Worship God, Not Things (Spanish) (slideshow)
- PDF: Love, the Greatest Commandment, Part 2: Worship God, Not Things (Japanese) (slideshow)
- PDF: Love, the Greatest Commandment, Part 2: Worship God, Not Things (Portuguese) (slideshow)