« Milagros en la Biblia: Alimento para 5.000
Ilustración en 3D: Milagros en la Biblia: Alimento para 5.000 »
Página para colorear: Milagros en la Biblia: Alimento para 5.000
All scriptures are paraphrased from the King James Version by Didier Martin.
Illustration and design by Didier Martin.
Copyright © 2015 by Didier Martin. Used by permission.
- PDF: Coloring Page: Miracles in the Bible: Feeding 5,000 (English) (slideshow)
- PDF: Coloring Page: Miracles in the Bible: Feeding 5,000 (Spanish) (slideshow)
- PDF: Coloring Page: Miracles in the Bible: Feeding 5,000 (Japanese) (slideshow)
- PDF: Coloring Page: Miracles in the Bible: Feeding 5,000 (Portuguese) (slideshow)