Meu Estúdio Maravilhoso
Audio: My Secret Garden
Sábado, Julho 17, 2010

Here in my secret garden—
The one You made just for me,
Here in my secret garden,
There’s so much to do and see.

As we walk together hand in hand,
And explore our hidden wonderland,
I leave my worries all behind.
Here in my secret garden,
Where I run and dance, and sing,
Here in my secret garden,
You push me high up on a swing.

We’ll lazily gaze at the sky,
Then into a crystal stream we’ll dive.
Watch amazing creatures swimming by,
Here in my secret garden.

(Instrumental break)

Lots of scintillating gems we’ll find
Deep within a heavenly mine.
Jewels of every color and kind,
Here in my secret garden—
The one You made just for me.
Here in my secret garden,
There’s so much to do and see;
There’s so much to do and see.

You can always find Me here,
When you’re needing special care.
You can put your hand in Mine;
And leave your troubles all behind,
In the secret garden.

The one You made just for me;
There’s so much to do and see;
There’s so much to do and see.

Lyrics and music by J. Cedric Spencer. Vocals by Dia.
Copyright © 2010 by The Family International
