Meu Estúdio Maravilhoso
In the Bible  
Segunda-feira, Abril 25, 2011

Verse 1
In Genesis the world was made by God’s creative hand;
In Exodus the Hebrews marched to what became the Promised Land;
Leviticus contains the law, holy, just and good;
Numbers tells about the tribes—all sons of Abraham’s blood—
In the Bible, in the Bible.

Verse 2
Moses in Deuteronomy, records God’s mighty deeds;
Brave Joshua into Canaan’s land a host of Israel leads;
In Judges their rebellion provokes the Lord to smite,
But Ruth is about a humble girl, well pleasing in His sight
In the Bible, in the Bible.

Bridge 1
In First and Second Samuel of Jesse’s son we read.
Ten tribes in First and Second Kings rebelled against his seed.
The First and Second Chronicles see Judah captive made:
But Ezra leads the remnant back by princely Cyrus’ aid
In the Bible, in the Bible.

Verse 3
The city wall of Zion, Nehemiah builds again,
While Esther saves her people from the plots of wicked men.
In Job we read how faith will live beneath affliction's wrath,
And David’s Psalms are precious songs to every child of God
In the Bible, in the Bible.

Bridge 2
The Proverbs like a goodly string of choicest pearls appear,
Ecclesiastes teaches men how vain are all things here.
The mystic Song of Solomon exalts sweet Sharon’s Rose;
Christ the Savior and the King, Isaiah’s prophecy shows
In the Bible, in the Bible.

Verse 4
The warning Jeremiah backsliding Israel scorns;
His weeping Lamentations their awful downfall mourns.
Ezekiel tells in wondrous words of dazzling mysteries;
While kings and empires yet to come, Daniel in vision sees
In the Bible, in the Bible.

Bridge 3
Of judgment and of mercy, Hosea loves to tell;
Joel describes the blessed days when God with man shall dwell.
Among Tekoa’s herdsmen Amos received his call;
While Obadiah prophesies of Edom’s final fall
In the Bible, in the Bible.

Verse 5
Jonah's saved when he declares, “Salvation’s of the Lord!”
Micah pronounces Judah lost, but then again restored.
Nahum and Habakkuk, coming doom their visions give
Then Zephaniah warns the Jews to turn, repent, and live
In the Bible, in the Bible.

Bridge 4
Haggai wrote to those who saw the temple built again,
And Zechariah prophesied of Christ’s triumphant reign.
Malachi was one who touched the high prophetic chord;
It’s final chords show the coming of the Lord
In the Bible, in the Bible.
In the Bible, in the Bible.
In the Bible, in the Bible.

Music by Jeremy Spencer and James Rudow. Vocals by Jeremy Spencer.
Lyrics adapted by Jeremy Spencer, author unknown.
Produced by Jeremy Spencer and James Rudow.

Copyright 1998 by The Family International.
