Teaching concepts on
Christian Life,
Character Building,
and Faith.

Level 2 Lesson Plan: Heroes of the Bible: King David

Note to parent or teacher: This lesson plan on King David highlights the following lesson objectives: “Learn of more of the lives of the great men and women of the Bible; learn of historical characters who displayed great courage in the face of fear or seemingly insurmountable odds.” (Christian Life and Faith: Witnessing and Missionary Training: Great Men and Women of God-2a; Character Building: Values and Virtues: Courage-2c)


ReadHeroes of the Bible: King David.”

Read 1 Samuel 16:1–13 for the story of Samuel anointing young David to be the future king of Israel.

Listen to “A Bible Adventure: A Giant’s Challenge” (runtime: 7:48).

Talk about how God likes to use people who are lowly in their own eyes to show His greatness. Can your child think of other instances in the Bible where this was shown? (Gideon and his band of three hundred, Jaal defeating a general, Mary and Joseph as Jesus’ earthly parents, Jesus’ fisherman disciples, etc.)

Listen to “A Bible Adventure: To Win an Enemy” (runtime: 07:01).

Listen to “A Bible Adventure: Exploits of a King-to-Be” (runtime: 6:20).

Highlight the fact that while King David was a great king, he was not perfect. In fact, at one point he committed a very bad sin (see 2 Samuel 11, 12:1–15). However, he repented with a great repentance, and accepted God’s punishment in humility. And then later, knowing that God had forgiven him for so much, it became easier for him to have compassion and forgiveness for others. King David once said of God, "Your gentleness has made me great" (Psalm 18:35).

Listen to “Psalm 34,” a Psalm of David.

DoHero of the Month Coloring Page: King David.

DoHero of the Month Quiz: King David.

Additional resources:

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