Level 2 Lesson Plan: Dealing with Dragons
Here is a 30-minute lesson plan that highlights the following lesson objective: “Understand that courage enables us to face the daily challenges that are known to us, as well as the unknown fears that we have yet to encounter,” and “Learn to recognize and practice courage in everyday situations, and understand that it is a skill that can be developed, which will allow one to face situations that previously had been thought too difficult.” (Character Building: Values and Virtues: Courage-2d,e)
Listen to “What Time I Am Afraid.” While listening to the song, have your children reflect on the picture that accompanies this song.
Read “Dealing with Dragons.”
Discuss with your children some of the feelings they deal with that prevent them from facing bigger or harder challenges. For example:
- they may feel they will fail at something,
- they are unsure of where to begin,
- they don’t understand everything completely and so they prefer not to begin,
- they fear people will belittle them if they do something wrong.
Whatever fear they may have, discuss ways or a step they can take toward overcoming or facing their fear. Remind them that sometimes courage grows slowly as they take steps to achieve whatever task they set out to do. With each step they receive more courage and confidence. Also discuss how to call on God’s help or use His help in whatever situation you are discussing.
Read “Feeling Shy?”
Discuss with your children how the girl in the story faced her fear when she talked to the new girl, discovering that they had a lot in common and became best friends. Talk about what would have happened if she hadn’t talked with her. Also discuss how scary it seemed to Moses to face Pharaoh, as God commanded, telling him to let the Hebrew people go free. It must have seemed daunting at first, and Moses probably had a lot of questions, but he took the first step and traveled to Egypt, and everything fell into place as he followed the steps God showed him to take.
Talk about this line from “Feeling Shy”: “The more you face your fear, the easier it gets.” Talk about how this applies to your children and the challenges they regularly face. If you think of examples from your own life, share those as well.
Listen to “God Is Our Refuge.”
Contributed by My Wonder Studio staff.
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