Introduction to “Christian Life and Faith Scope and Sequence” and “Character Building Scope and Sequence”
What Is a Scope and Sequence?
A “scope and sequence” is generally defined as the content overview of a curriculum or course. The “scope” articulates the learning objectives—the information or skills that are to be taught on a given subject, and the “sequence” is the order in which you teach the information. A “learning objective” is commonly defined as “any fact, technique or other outcome that a student is expected to learn or achieve at the end of a specific course of instruction.”
Objectives greatly assist the planning process for teachers. The foundation for well-planned teaching is, unquestionably, clearly stated objectives. … In terms of the teaching role, objectives provide the opportunity for teachers to formulate and, it is hoped, act upon, clear statements about what students are intended to learn through instruction.
(Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum, RoutledgeFalmer 2004, Colin J. Marsh)
Our Aim
Our aim in creating these two scope and sequences presented on this site is to provide parents, teachers, and Christian educators with a comprehensive outline, articulating what a child should learn regarding Christian life and faith and character-building concepts from the ages of 6 through to 12. Material posted to Levels 1 and 2 of My Wonder Studio is based off of and linked to learning objectives within these scope and sequences. (At the end of any article/post on My Wonder Studio, you will find “S&S,” which links you to the learning objective that the article/post targets.)
These scope and sequences are made available in an effort to assist you in gaining a better grasp of how to make the most of the content that is posted on My Wonder Studio, define long-term goals in your child’s spiritual and character education, and take note of any learning gaps your child may have.
While it is our aim to develop and post content that falls under the learning objectives as listed within these scope and sequences, it will take some time to reach this goal. Currently we do not have a listing of links to material for the teaching of the scope and sequence; however, you can use the scope and sequence as a guide to what should be taught under these topics, and use other Christian and secular materials and resources to supplement the learning objectives listed here.
Scope and Sequence Division and Levels
We have created two scope and sequences: one targets Christian life and faith concepts, and the other focuses on character-building principles. Both articulate learning objectives for children ages 6 through to 12.
Christian Life and Faith Scope and Sequence consists of the following categories:
- Biblical and Christian Foundation
- A Personal Relationship with Jesus
- Witnessing and Missionary Training
- Bible knowledge
- Spiritual Insight and Awareness
Character Building Scope and Sequence contains the following divisions:
Each of these scope and sequences are further divided into Level 1 and Level 2. We’ve generally tried to cover the foundational principles of a given topic in Level 1, and progress into more advanced principles within that topic in Level 2. In some cases we have opted to feature a topic in only one level, depending on its complexity and whether it is simply covered in only one level, or if there should be a general understanding of other concepts before the introduction of a given topic in the next level.
In some topics your child may benefit from beginning with Level 1 concepts; however, in other topics, your child may be advanced enough in his or her understanding of a particular topic to warrant placement in Level 2 for a particular subject. Evaluate where your child is at, and place your child accordingly, understanding that it is a process of learning and development. Also, keep in mind that review of earlier stages will help reinforce the child’s understanding and won’t be time wasted. Taking the time to establish a solid foundation in beginner principles will ensure that your child will more easily grasp advanced concepts as he or she matures. Even if your child is able to grasp concepts presented in Level 2, there are benefits to reviewing principles in Level 1, especially if your child hasn’t gone through Level 1, but you’re simply starting him or her off on Level 2 with some subjects, as it may help to reinforce the principle being taught.
As noted in “Getting Started” the Levels found in this scope and sequence correspond to My Wonder Studio’s sections “Level 1” and “Level 2”; that is to say, scope and sequence Level 1 learning objectives are reflected in the articles and content posted to section Level 1 of My Wonder Studio, etc.
Other Tips
Here are some other pointers regarding these scope and sequences, which you may find helpful:
- The wording used to describe the lesson objective is geared to the teacher/parent, and was chosen to best encapsulate what needs to be taught. In some cases it may appear that a lesson objective is too advanced for the level in which it appears; however, this is probably due to the terminology used, and not because the concept is advanced in itself. The vocabulary that would be used to explain the same concept to a child would, of course, be vastly different.
- When a learning objective has a reference prefaced with "See," this learning objective (and its links and content) is originally listed in another topic. But due to having the same overall learning objective, it also falls under the current topic as well.
- When a topic has “See also” listed as a learning objective, it is referencing similar topics that may expand the child’s understanding of the current topic.
- Throughout the scope and sequence we use the following abbreviations: “CLF: Christian Life and Faith Scope and Sequence”; “CB: Character Building Scope and Sequence.”
- You will likely find it helpful when reading an article with your child from one of My Wonder Studio’s sections, to take note of the learning objective that the article is targeting (via the S&S link). This can not only aid you in discussions with your child after the reading of the article, but can help you evaluate whether there are other resources available to you in reinforcing said learning objective.
Lastly, “Christian Life and Faith Scope and Sequence” and “Character Building Scope and Sequence” are both works in progress. If you have questions regarding the structure of the levels, or if you are aware of a learning objective not included within these scope and sequences, please contact us here.