Beginner concepts on
Christian Life,
Faith, and
Character Building.

David, What Will You Do with Your Pebbles?

MP3: David, What Will You Do with Your Pebbles? (English)

The Philistines were the enemies of Israel, and one of them, whose name was Goliath, was a giant. The king of Israel, whose name was Saul, and all his army were so afraid that they ran away when they saw Goliath, the giant, coming. He was ten-and-a-half-feet tall and had a huge sword and shield and carried a long spear.

For forty days he frightened the entire army of Israel. David was the only one who was not afraid of him. But David was just a boy, not a soldier. What could he do?


God: “David, go down to the river, collect five smooth stones, and get ready with your sling.”

Verse 1
He was just a little boy who lived a simple life.
He played a harp and cared for sheep and prayed by day and night.
He took a stone and put it in his humble little sling
And warned the giant to give up before things got too hot.

Chorus 1
Oh, David, what will you do with your pebbles?
Can you help Israel out of trouble?

Verse 2
Goliath, he laughed, “Ha, ha, ha, ha!”
He mocked so carelessly. “Ha, ha, ha.”
“I am over ten feet tall,
And you are just a flea! Ha, ha, ha.”

[Repeat Chorus 1]

Verse 3
David slung the sling around, and the stone went whooshing by,
And struck Goliath by surprise, right between the eyes.
He tumbled and he stumbled, landed right at David’s feet.
The end of old Goliath. David won the victory.

Chorus 2
Oh, David, God used you with your pebbles
To help Israel out of trouble.
Oh, David, God used you with your pebbles
To help Israel out of trouble.

Taken from the album Great Adventures 2. Music and lyrics by Peter Gehr.
Vocals by Andy P., Peter Gehr, and Gabe M. Produced by Peter Gehr.
Copyright © 1996 by Aurora Production AG. Used by permission.