Level 2 Lesson Plan: Why Do We Celebrate Easter?
金曜日, 4月 14, 2017

Here is a 30- to 40-minute lesson plan that highlights the following lesson objective: “Learn of the historical backings to the life of Jesus, His death on the cross, and His resurrection.” (Christian Life and Faith: Biblical and Christian Foundation: Jesus, God’s Son-2a)

Ask your child what Easter means to them. If needed, remind your child why those who believe in Jesus celebrate Easter.

ReadWhat Happened on That Day?

Discuss how although Jesus went through much suffering and injustice before His death, it was all for the purpose of carrying out the reason He came to Earth, which was to die for us, so that our sins might be forgiven. Also talk about how in the end He arose and defeated death—how nothing could keep Him from fulfilling His mission.

WatchHe Lives” (YouTube video clip with movie opener).

Listen to “He’s Alive.”

ReadAnother Layer of Easter.”

Talk about how Jesus left us the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit to assist us as we continue to follow His way of life, and how this is another part of Easter that we can celebrate.

WatchRemember Me.”

End with thanking Jesus for His sacrifice, so that we could have the gift of salvation of our spirit and body, bringing us back into full union with God. Also thank Him for giving us the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit, so that He could continue to live His story of love and salvation through us.

Additional material:

Contributed by My Wonder Studio staff.
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