Level 1 Lesson Plan: Death Didn’t Hold Jesus
水曜日, 3月 28, 2018

Note to the parent or teacher: Here is an hour-long lesson plan highlighting the lesson objective: “Learn of Jesus’ death and resurrection.” (Christian Life and Faith: Biblical and Christian Foundation: Jesus, God’s Son-1d)

Listen to and sing along withOne, Two, Three, Jesus is Alive.”

ReadBible MiniWorld: The Easter Story.”

If you have an iPad or iPhone, have fun with the app “Jesus Is Alive.”

ViewBeginner’s Bible: The Story of Easter.” 

ViewAnimated: The Easter Story.” 

ReadMeals with Jesus: The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.”

Take time with the children to imagine yourselves being these followers who encountered Jesus and who thought they would never hear Jesus teach again after He died. Reflect on how exciting it must have been to discover Jesus was alive and to have been taught once again by Him!

Assemble the “3D Picture: Meals with Jesus: The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus,” and/or coloring “Coloring Page: Meals with Jesus: The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.”

Additional materials:

Contributed by MWS staff
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