聖書に 登場する 若者たち: 大工の 息子
水曜日, 12月 5, 2018

Based on Luke 2:39–52.

After settling in Nazareth, every year, Joseph and Mary’s family made the journey to Jerusalem to attend the Passover festival, which lasted a week.

The year their son turned twelve, he initially didn’t accompany his parents on the journey home from the festival but stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents had thought he was with the group of relatives and friends they were traveling with, and they became very worried when they saw he wasn’t among them.

Joseph and Mary returned to Jerusalem to look for their son and were surprised to find him in the temple talking with the Jewish teachers. When asked why he had stayed behind, he told them he had to be in his Father’s house, as it was the Jewish custom that sons would work with their father and learn his trade. His parents didn’t understand what he meant.

In obedience to his parents, he then returned with them to Nazareth and worked with his father, Joseph, as a carpenter. The young boy’s name was Jesus.

Authored, illustrated, and designed by Didier Martin.
Copyright © 2018 by Didier Martin. Used by permission.
タグ: 聖書に登場する若者たち, 子供のための聖書物語, イエス様