New Testament
月曜日, 4月 25, 2011

Verse 1
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the happy story tell,
How Jesus died and rose again to save us all from Hell.
In Acts the early Christians testified in every place.
Romans teaches we are saved by grace.

Chorus 1
New Testament, New Testament, good news for everyone
Victory, the resurrection of God’s only Son.

Verse 2
In First and Second Corinthians are precious pearls galore.
Galatians warns us not to turn back to the law.
Ephesians and Philippians tells us how to live in love.
Colossians bids us look to things above.

Chorus 2
New Testament, New Testament, good news for everyone.
Victory, the resurrection of God’s only Son.
New Testament, New Testament, good news for everyone.
Victory, the resurrection of God’s only Son.

Verse 3
Thessalonians tells us of things that soon shall be.
A leader's ordination is in First Timothy.
In Second Timothy Paul bids his very last farewell.
Titus teaches how to govern well.

Chorus 3
New Testament, New Testament, good news for everyone.
Victory, the resurrection of God’s only Son.

Verse 4
Philemon tells the story of a slave who ran away.
Hebrews shows the law is dead in this new gospel day.
James warns us in his book to pray before we say.
Peter says be steadfast in the faith.

Chorus 4
New Testament, New Testament, good news for everyone.
Victory, the resurrection of God’s only Son.
New Testament, New Testament, good news for everyone.
Victory, the resurrection of God’s only Son.

Verse 5
John is three letters-on love he likes to dwell.
Jude warns the wicked of eternal fires of Hell.
Revelation prophesies of Heaven’s Kingdom come
When we shall reign forever with God’s Son.

Chorus 5
New Testament, New Testament, good news for everyone.
Victory the resurrection of God’s only Son.
New Testament, New Testament, good news for everyone.
Victory the resurrection of God’s only Son.
New Testament, New Testament, good news for everyone.
Victory the resurrection of God’s only Son.

Music by Jeremy Spencer and James Rudow. Vocals by Jeremy Spencer.
Lyrics adapted by Jeremy Spencer, author unknown.
Produced by Jeremy Spencer and James Rudow.

Copyright 1998 by The Family International.