イエス様、最初の 弟子を 召す
水曜日, 2月 1, 2012


Did you know that the first four disciples Jesus chose to follow Him were simple fishermen?

One day while walking by the Sea of Galilee, Jesus saw Simon (whom Jesus later called Peter) and Andrew his brother casting a net into the water. Jesus called out to them, “Come and follow Me and be My disciples.” And they left everything to follow Jesus.

A little farther on, Jesus passed two brothers, James and John, who were mending their nets. He also called them to be His disciples, and they too followed Him.

You can read the stories in Mark 1:16–20 and Mark 3:14–19.

Authored and illustrated by Didier Martin.
Copyright © 2011 by Didier Martin. Used by permission.
タグ: イエス様