アーティストになろう!:イエス様は 生きておられる!
水曜日, 4月 20, 2011

Read about this event in Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20

Make your own presentation of this story by copying or tracing these figures onto a paper to make different characters and a variety of scenes. You can photocopy these pages and enlarge them to make them easier to trace. Or color the figures and items and cut them out and paste them onto a paper to create your own story collage.

The options are endless for how you can “be the artist” and use these figures when drawing get-well cards, pictures for your younger brothers or sisters, posters for friends, and so much more.

Don’t forget to read “He’s Alive” that illustrates the amazing story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. And why not try to make your own color storybook or flannelgraph to retell this story yourself, you’ll find those projects here, to fill up many happy hours.

Illustrated by Didier Martin.
Copyright © 2011 by The Family International
タグ: イエス様, アーティストになろう, ミニ聖書物語, イースター, 復活, 子どものアクティビティ