イエスという 名前の 方, 第4章 : シメオンとアンナ
水曜日, 12月 23, 2015

Based on Luke 2:21–38.

Forty days after the birth of Jesus, Joseph took Mary to Jerusalem to perform the ceremony of purification, which was required in those days by the Book of the Law.

Joseph: Look, Mary, Jerusalem!

There lived in Jerusalem an older man named Simeon. Simeon had diligently studied the scriptures and was expecting news of the arrival of the Messiah.

Simeon: Oh, Lord, how long will I have to wait?
Simeon: You promised that I would not die before I see the Savior.

Then the Spirit of God talked to Simeon.

Spirit of God: Simeon, today God’s promise to you will be fulfilled. Go to the temple.
Simeon: Yes, Lord.

Immediately, Simeon went to the temple.

Around the same time, Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus arrived in Jerusalem.

Joseph: We can leave the donkey here to be looked after while we go to the temple.

Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus then went to one of the entrances of the temple, a large staircase leading to Solomon’s Porch.

Joseph: Mary, isn’t this amazing! Look at the size of the stairs.
Mary: Yes, but don’t forget, Joseph, we need to buy the pigeons.

It was the custom for the ceremony of purification to purchase a lamb to offer as a sacrifice, but if people were poor, two turtle doves or two pigeons were acceptable.

Vendor: Here are my best pigeons. I’ll give them to you for a good price.
Mary: Oh, Joseph, there are so many people!

Simeon arrived at the temple and noticed a young couple holding a baby.

Simeon: It’s Him!
Simeon: Excuse me. May I hold your baby?
Simeon: Oh, Lord, blessed be Your name, now I may depart in peace. For my eyes have seen Your salvation that You have prepared for all people.
Simeon: A light to show Your truth to all nations and to be the glory of Israel!

There was also an old prophetess, a widow named Anna, who was now eighty-four years old. She lived next to the temple, daily praying and serving God.

Boy: Anna, where are you going so fast?
Anna: I need to tell everyone about the baby!
Girl: Which baby, Anna?
Anna: The Messiah is among us! The baby has been born. Praise God!
Priest: The Messiah? Where is he?
Mary: Joseph, let’s go home.
Joseph: Yes, Mary.
Mary: There, my little baby, go to sleep. We will be home soon.

Authored, illustrated, and designed by Didier Martin.
Copyright ©2015 by Didier Martin. Used by permission.
タグ: クリスマス, イエスという名前の方, イエス様