Rincón de las maravillas
Grab the Opportunity!
viernes, julio 2, 2010

Sent in by Angel (12), Phuket, Thailand

While out one day we stopped at a restaurant. After eating I went into the bathroom, and as I was coming out of the stall I saw one of the waitresses by the sink. I felt an urge to witness to her. I felt I would be letting Jesus down if I didn't. As I was washing my hands, I was thinking of how to approach her. (I haven't had much experience witnessing, though I've been doing it more often lately.) Jesus told me to ask how her work was going and start a friendly conversation.

First, I asked her about her work, if it was tiring, and how long she had been working. Of course, I introduced myself as well. She was quite friendly, so it was pretty easy to witness to her. She said she'd seen us at the restaurant before. I told her I would pray for her work and family, and she received Jesus. When we were going out of the restaurant she waved goodbye to me. I hope to see her next time, maybe with something to give her, like an Activated magazine.

When there is an opportunity to present Jesus to someone, don't miss it! Even if it's while you’re on a bus, or at the market, or even when washing up in the bathroom! There are people all around who you can witness to, even if all you have is a smile and a tract or a simple prayer. Grab those opportunities! God bless you!
