Rincón de las maravillas
Jesus Is Born
lunes, diciembre 20, 2010

Jesus Is Born

In the town of Nazareth lived a young woman named Mary.

She was soon to be married to a carpenter named Joseph.

One day, an angel appeared to Mary. At first she was frightened by what she saw.

“Do not be afraid,” the angel said. “I bring good news. God has chosen you to be the mother of His Son.”

Mary was amazed by what the angel told her and said, “I am pleased to do as God wishes.”

When the angel was gone, Mary hurried to find Joseph and tell him the wonderful news.

An angel also visited Joseph in a dream. “Take good care of Mary,” the angel said. “She is going to have a special baby … God’s Son.”

Joseph was happy to hear this news and promised to take good care of Mary and the baby.

Some time later Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem.

Joseph saddled a donkey for Mary to ride, and they set off on their journey.

When Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, there were so many people also visiting the town that they could not find a place to stay for the night.

“You cannot stay here,” said a grouchy innkeeper.

“But my wife is going to have a baby,” Joseph said.

The innkeeper thought for a few moments, and then said they could stay in the stable.

Joseph and Mary were happy to have a place to stay even though it was a stable filled with animals.

That wonderful night Jesus was born!

Mary laid Him in the manger, on the soft hay.

Out on the hills shepherds were watching their sheep.

Suddenly angels appeared in the sky to tell the amazing news of Jesus’ birth.

When the angels vanished, the shepherds hurried to find the baby Jesus. They found Him, and their hearts were glad.

Some time later, wise men came in search of Jesus. “We have seen the star,” they said, “and it has guided us here.”

The wise men brought wonderful gifts for Jesus—gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

And that is the true story of the very first Christmas, when God sent His Son, Jesus, to Earth.

The end.

Don’t miss the slideshow, coloring book, flannelgraph, and art activity that accompany this animation. Enjoy! x

Story by Katiuscia Giusti. Illustrations by Didier Martin. Animation by Zebtoonz Productions. Audio production by Andrew V.
Story and art © 2010 by The Family International. Animation © 2010 by Zebtoonz Productions.