My Wonder Studio
Level 1 Lesson Plan: Exploring God’s Greatest Commandments, Part 5 (of 5)
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Note to parent or teacher: This 45- to 60-minute lesson plan is the fifth part of a five-part series of lesson plans that highlight the various aspects of the lesson objective “God’s Law of Love” (Christian Life and Faith: Biblical and Christian Foundation: God’s Law of Love-1a–h).

ReadLove, the Greatest Commandment, Part 8: Give, Don’t Steal.”

Ask your child if she has experienced a time when she wanted to take something that didn’t belong to her but decided against it. Talk about how it turned out. It’s quite possible she wasn’t given something similar as happened in this story. Talk about the other good things that could have resulted from having made the right decision, such as a sense of well-being or other positive results.

ReadEncourage Others—Be Courteous.”

Discuss the benefits of being generous in doing things for others.

ReadBible Adventures with Joe Key: Out at Sea.” Then read Acts 27 and 28:1–10.

List, with your child’s participation, what Paul gained by his generosity, such as his life was spared, he was respected, he won others over to the message of God’s love through Jesus, etc.

ReadGod’s Law of Love.”

ReadLife of Friends: Greedy Kitties.”

Ask your child if he remembers a time when he was greedy, and nearly lost (or did lose) the privilege of having something he wanted due to not being willing to share it with others. For example, he had been told he could only have a privilege if he shared with another, or a toy broke during a struggle over who got to play with it.

Then talk about a time he shared something, and yet in the end, he was still able to fully enjoy the thing he had wanted. You might have a story you can share about your own experiences along these lines.


ReadLove, the Greatest Commandment, Part 9: Speak Well of Others.”

Discuss how this story could have turned out if the boy hadn’t spoken up on behalf of Asher.

ReadLife of Friends: Our Words.”

ReadJury and Judge for a Day.”

Talk about (if applicable) a time your child has spoken well of others and ways that might have helped the person. Also, if applicable, talk about damage done if your child knows of a time when she took part in talking about others in a hurtful manner.

Listen toAudio: James 3.” Or read James 3 here.

Additional reading:


ReadLove, the Greatest Commandment, Part 10: Be Happy for the Good Fortune of Others.”

ReadLife of Friends: Have Friends or Gloat.”

Examine together with your child if he has missed out on any friendships due to being jealous over another’s good fortune that he would like to have himself.

ReadStanding on God’s Word: Contentment.”

Discuss how when we focus on what we don’t have, we often miss noticing what we do have. Ask your child to think if she has made this error in any aspect of life, and if so, take time to look at that situation from the standpoint of gratitude and contentment.

ReadThe Life of Friends: Honor Our Differences.”

Examine together with your child his friends and acquaintances to see if there is anyone who might be feeling left out and in need of appreciation for their own set of talents.

ReadStanding on God’s Word: Be a Good Listener.”

Discuss how listening to another person’s tale of good fortune is important. Ask your child to think of times she has enjoyed talking about something good that has happened to her and how she would have felt if no one had listened.

Additional reading:

Compiled by My Wonder Studio staff.
Copyright © 2020 by The Family International
Tagged: family, compassion, god's law of love, level 1 lesson plan, friendship