My Wonder Studio
Level 2 Lesson Plan: Striving for Excellence
Friday, May 13, 2016

Here is a 30- to 40-minute lesson plan that highlights the following lesson objective: “Understand that the practical ways to strive for excellence are rooted in initiative, motivation, self-discipline, diligence, and perseverance; learn to ask oneself if one is giving one’s all to what one is doing, learn to find satisfaction in giving a task one’s best. ” (Character Building: Personal Responsibility: Excellence-2c)

Read How Much Satisfaction.” 

ReadBarn-Raising Tuesday.”

Talk about how it pays to give each task or job your best, even if you feel you aren’t good at it or you simply don’t feel like doing it. Discuss an example of something in your children’s life, such as a difficult school subject, an uninteresting task, or even a basic routine that they could get more out of if they put more into it, if they practiced more self-discipline. Discuss how over time, they can get good or better at something if they persevere.   

Read “Maximizers Take Initiative.”

Talk about the difference between being a minimizer, maintainer, and maximizer. Personalize the benefits of being a maximizer—what does it mean for them? How can they become maximizers in the things that they do, such as school, their chores, their relationships with their siblings, friends, teachers, and/or parents? You don’t need to discuss every aspect of their life, just focus on the aspect that they need to take more responsibility in.

ReadSkills Exhibition.”

Talk about how excelling in a skill or task takes perseverance and determination. It takes a desire to try again, even if the first couple of times you don’t succeed.

Read and discussTalents and Skills.”  (You can also incorporate the crossword puzzle found in this article.)

End with a prayer, asking Jesus to help you have more initiative and excellence in all that you do.

Additional reading:

Contributed by My Wonder Studio staff.
Copyright © 2016 The Family International
Tagged: level 2 lesson plan, excellence