My Wonder Studio
Level 2 Lesson Plan: Heroes of the Bible: Nehemiah
Friday, May 24, 2013

Note to parent or teacher: This lesson plan on Nehemiah (this can be broken into shorter parts) highlights the following lesson objectives: “Learn of more of the lives of the great men and women of the Bible. Understand that when one perseveres, great things can be accomplished; if one gives up when things begin to get difficult, nothing great would ever be accomplished. (Christian Life and Faith: Witnessing and Missionary Training: Great Men and Women of God-2a; Character Building: Personal Responsibility: Perseverance-2a)

Have an impromptu discussion on what your children know of Nehemiah’s life.

WatchThe Fabulous Bentley Brothers: Nehemiah.”

ReadHeroes of the Bible: Nehemiah.”

Listen to “A Bible Adventure: The Man Who Built a Dream.” (Audio runtime 10:40.)

Highlight how four months elapsed between the time Nehemiah heard of the disrepair of Jerusalem and when the king inquired why Nehemiah looked downcast. These four months were not wasted. Nehemiah fasted and prayed with his friends; he had also prepared a plan for the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls that he was able to immediately present to the king when an opening presented itself.

Read Nehemiah 4:7–23. These verses recount how Nehemiah prayed to God for protection and deliverance, but also did his part in arming his men. Ask your children how this concept of prayer plus practical effort is played out in our daily lives. Discuss examples of things we should pray for, where God might also expect us to do our part.

Listen to “A Bible Adventure: In Defense of the Poor.” (Audio runtime 9:59.)

Talk about times when we must do what we know to be right, and encourage others to do the same, even if everyone around us is behaving differently.

Here are some interesting facts to talk about with your children before or after listening to the Audio Bible Adventures on Nehemiah:

ColorHero of the Month Coloring Page: Nehemiah.”

Take theHero of the Month Quiz: Nehemiah.”

Additional resources:.

Contributed by My Wonder Studio staff.
Copyright © 2013 The Family International
Tagged: perseverance, heroes of the bible, great men and women of god, level 2 lesson plan, courage