My Wonder Studio
Level 1 Lesson Plan: You Are Capable
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Note to the parent or teacher: Here is a 20- to 30-minute lesson plan that covers the lesson objective, “Learn various skills appropriate to one’s age.” (Character Building: Personal Responsibility: Learning and Study Skills-1c)

To begin, talk with your child about skills and academic subjects they are endeavoring to learn. Choose one or two of the more challenging skills or subjects for them to focus on as you go over this class together.

ReadStanding on God’s Word: Persevering to Gain Skills.”

Talk about how important it is to not give in to discouragement and quit before reaching the goal. Discuss how thinking of giving up when something is difficult will make it harder to gain the new skill. Discuss positive ways to approach the learning experience.

Tell them about a skill you gained because you didn’t give up, even when you were discouraged with your progress. Point out how you gained confidence for that skill or subject by continuing to study and practice in order to attain to the desired goal.

ReadStanding on God’s Word: Achieving Goals.”


Discuss with your child how both concentration and not giving up are keys to mastering a subject or skill and are necessary for reaching goals in life.

ReadStanding on God’s Word: Concentration.”

ReadStanding on God’s Word: Stick with It.”


Discuss with your child how when learning a new subject or new skill, one important key to learning is to cooperate with the teacher. The teacher works hard to help the student gain an understanding of the subject or skill. When students work together with the teacher, following his or her lead, it facilitates learning and also helps to make the learning process more enjoyable.

ReadStanding on God’s Word: Appreciate Teachers.”


Look at these two examples about how stepping out beyond fear was essential in reaching goals. If your child is being held back by fear of failure, talk about steps to get beyond that. Pray together to ask Jesus for His help in overcoming fear.

ReadStanding on God’s Word: Learning a New Skill.”

ReadStanding on God’s Word: Have Courage.”


Choose and color one of the cards from the set, “Crazily Cool Card Set: Faithfulness.”

Additional material:

Compiled by My Wonder Studio staff.
Copyright © 2018 by The Family International
Tagged: level 1 lesson plan, education, excellence