My Wonder Studio
Level 1 Lesson Plan: Tips for Joyful Living
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Note to parent or teacher: Here is a lesson plan that you can break up into two or three 15- to 30-minute sittings. It highlights the lesson objective: “Learn that obedience can’t be decided on the basis of one’s desires or feelings, but rather that it is a habit one must cultivate in order to live a safe and happy life." (Character Building: Values and Virtues: Obedience-1e)

ReadExperience Joy,” and then take a closer look at each action found in the text by reading the accompanying scripture and article, as well as discussing how the action can make one happy.

ReadDora and the Garden.”

Ask the children to think of a time when they were pleasant and how it made them and others happy. If you know of a time when being unpleasant made things difficult, talk about a more pleasant way to have handled that situation.

ReadA Promise for Every Need” or “Remember Roy.”

Talk about how memorized scripture can bring happiness into one’s life.

ReadBe More Like Jesus.”

Ask the children to think of things Jesus did that would have made Him happy because He saw that it made others happy. For example, when He prayed for someone, or when He cooked for His disciples (John 21:9).

Pray one of these prayers for your friends and loved ones.

Pray a prayer from “Pray a Way: Respect.”

ReadFocus on the Donut.”

Look for the positive side of a recent disappointment that one can be happy about.

Listen to or read “You Are God’s Ray of Light.”

Make a plan to encourage another, and talk about how that will bring happiness to the receiver as well as to the giver.

Pray the second prayer of “Pray a Way: Easter.”

ReadWe’re Having Guests.”

Recall a recent visit from someone, and talk about the joy all experienced by making the visitor feel welcome.

ReadOnce Upon Planet Nog: Skills Exhibition.”

Look ahead with the children at the joy they will experience by progressing in a new skill they are currently studying or practicing. For example, they will be able to play a song on the piano that will make Grandma happy.

ReadThe Fountain of Believers.”

Discuss what they like about a having a Bible class when friends join in.

Sing or dance along with “Joyful Singing.”

ReadI Love to Listen.”

Silently take time to talk to Jesus for one minute. Have the children reflect on the peace and joy that comes from knowing Jesus heard them. “He hears the prayer of the righteous” (Proverbs 15:29).

Conclude by rereading the last page of “Experience Joy.”

Contributed by My Wonder Studio staff.
Copyright © 2014 by The Family International
Tagged: level 1 lesson plan, obedience, joy