My Wonder Studio
Level 1 Lesson Plan: Showing Respect
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Note to parent or teacher: Here is a 20- to 30-minute lesson plan that highlights the lesson objectives:

Pray the first prayer of “Pray a Way: Respect.”

Look up the word “respect” in a dictionary and ask the children how they can apply respect to their everyday lives. Bring out how showing respect is about showing people loving consideration.

ReadJesus Lived Love.”

ReadPuppendorf: Scary Shumba.” Highlight how showing Nosey respect for his good qualities helped him overcome being jealous of Shumba.

ReadBe Kind,” and follow this up with the “‘Be Kind’ Supplement.”

ReadDanny Pays Attention.” Discuss how paying attention when someone is trying to talk to you is an important way of showing respect.

Pray the second prayer of “Pray a Way: Respect.” Together, see if you can come up with everyday examples in your own lives of the seven ways of showing respect to others brought out in this prayer. (For example: Last night Suzy thanked Daddy for playing a game of dominoes with her.)

Have fun by coloring the “Coloring Page: Pray a Way: Respect.”

Additional resources:

Contributed by My Wonder Studio staff.
Copyright © 2014 by The Family International
Tagged: respect and familiarity, level 1 lesson plan