My Wonder Studio
Level 1 Lesson Plan: Bible Stories about Angels
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Here is a 30- to 40-minute lesson plan that highlights the learning objective: “Learn that angels are powerful immortal beings; read accounts of angelic appearances in the Bible, as well as modern-day appearances.” (Christian Life and Faith: Spiritual Insight and Awareness: Angels and Departed Saints-1b)

Read the following classes about appearances of angels in the Bible. You can supplement these classes by reading a fuller version from the Bible or a children’s Bible-story book.

What purpose did these three angels have in common? (Possible answers: Protecting God’s people, showing God’s power.)

Look for the two appearances of Archangel Gabriel in “A Man Named Jesus: Two Miraculous Babies” and once in “A Man Named Jesus: An Angel Visits Joseph.”

Do you know when an angel appeared in “The Story of Easter”?

Learn about an angel who fights battles for God, the Archangel Michael. You can read in Daniel 10:4-21 an amazing account of Michael fighting a battle so another mighty angel can deliver a message from God to the prophet Daniel.

Assemble and display one or more of the 3D pictures of the above stories about angels from the series of “Miracles in the Bible.”

Additional resources:

Compiled by My Wonder Studio staff.
Copyright © 2015 by The Family International
Tagged: level 1 lesson plan, angels