My Wonder Studio
Friday, December 2, 2022

Kristof: It's almost Christmastime, and I know this season is about You and that I should be feeling joyful about it. But I just don't seem to have those warm and fuzzy Christmas feelings. I do want to be excited about the season, but how do I find that excitement?

Jesus: I understand, Kristof, what you're up against. This time of year is often a period of extra busyness and more being expected of you. Sometimes that busyness and stress can leave you wondering where the Christmas spirit has gone.

Perhaps you think of movies like It’s a Wonderful Life, or of other Christmas stories with portrayals of Christmas days filled with the "warm and fuzzies" that seem to be a mandatory part of the Christmas season. But right now, you feel zero warmth and fuzziness.

You wish you had the joy of Christmas because you don't want to be stressed or uninterested when this time of year is supposed to be a celebration.

You're trying hard to look for Christmas in the things that surround you.

Perhaps you look for it in the blinking lights, storefront decorations, Christmas carols, eggnog, and whatnot.

Then if any of those things are missing, or if they don't strike the right note in your heart, you feel deprived and like this really can't be what Christmas is about. You're right! Because that is looking for the spirit of Christmas in all the wrong places!

The spirit of Christmas won't ever be found in glittery décor or even in a flurry of Christmas shows, traditions, events, or activities.

If you’re looking for Christmas spirit, look no further than your own heart.

As My child—one who knows Me—you are a messenger, an ambassador of Christmas spirit. Stop looking outward for Christmas spirit because the spirit of Christmas is in you—it’s Me in you! And that involves you manifesting Me in your thoughts, words, and actions.

This is where it starts. Right here between the two of us.

It’s remembering what Christmas is about:

Kristof: Thank You, Jesus, for coming to earth for us. Help me to show Your love to others.

Give yourself the gift of joy this Christmas season by decorating your heart with the fruits of My Spirit, which will draw others to Me.

More than decorating a tree, your room, or the house, if you adorn your spirit with joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, people will be drawn to you as they would be to the best, most brightly lit Christmas tree they've ever seen.

They'll recognize in you true Christmas joy, and they'll want what you have. As you manifest Me to others, you'll become a beautiful, magnetic force, drawing people to the real reason for the season.

And what about the “fuzziness”? That will come with the joy of sharing My love with others.

Taken from the writings of TFI. Illustrated by Jeremy. Designed by Roy Evans.
Published by My Wonder Studio. Copyright © 2022 by The Family International.
Tagged: comic, service, joy, christmas