My Wonder Studio
Bible Quiz: Hebrews 11 Heroes
Sunday, April 8, 2012

[This quiz is now closed. Stay tuned for your name in lights!]

Read Hebrews chapter 11, and then take this quiz to see how many heroes you can recognize from that chapter! Send your answers to for a chance to have your name in lights!

1. Which man, mentioned in Hebrews 11, was taken up to heaven without dying because he had lived a godly life?

2. Whose faith and actions as a result of that faith condemned the world?

3. Who didn’t know what was ahead when he obeyed God’s call to follow Him and to leave his current location?

4. Who lived in a tent while searching for a city designed and built by God?

5. Who believed that she could have a child even though she was past child-bearing age?

6. Which man of faith promised future blessings to his twin sons?

7. Which man mentioned in Hebrews 11 foresaw that the people of Israel would leave Egypt?

8. What former prince of Egypt chose to suffer with his people instead of lead the life of a royal?

9. Who saved her life by harboring spies in her house?

10. Can you list five other men mentioned in Hebrews 11, who haven’t appeared in the prior quiz questions?

Authored by R. A. Watterson.
Copyright © 2012 by The Family International
Tagged: quiz, faith