My Wonder Studio
Answer Key to Quick Quiz: Giving, and Your Name in Lights!
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Here are the names of the kids who sent in the correct answers to “Quick Quiz: Bible Who, What, Why, and Where on Giving”:

Stay tuned for more quizzes that will test your Bible knowledge!

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Answer Key:

1. coats, Luke 3:11

2. poor, Proverbs 14:21

3. give, Acts 20:35

4. Melchizedek, Genesis 14:18

5. Zarephath, 1 Kings 17:9–16

6. Two mites, Mark 12:41-43

7. Luke, Luke 12:13-21

8. barns

9. tithe

10. King David, 2 Samuel 24:24

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