My Wonder Studio
Celebrating Christmas
Monday, December 2, 2019

In the beauty and decorations of Christmas, we can remember what makes this time of year special—we are celebrating the birth of Jesus. The decorations we place around our homes can remind us of Jesus and the gift God gave in sending Him to earth so long ago.

Christmas Tree
Just like a tree offers shelter and protection, God watches over His children. He is like an evergreen tree. Our blessings come from Him.1

Nativity Scene
The nativity scene reminds us of the ultimate gift we were given at Christmas—Jesus—and all those who were a part of that special day.

We remember the angel messengers that God sent the night of Jesus’ birth to announce the good news of His birth.

Christmas Lights
Christmas lights remind us that Jesus is the light of the world. He brings light and love into our lives and hearts.

The star at the top of the Christmas tree reminds us of the star that led the wise men to Jesus. It proclaims Jesus as the light of the world—a shining light that guides all to Him.

A snowflake can remind us of how God pays attention to even the smallest details of His creation. If God cares for even the small parts of His creation, we can be certain that God knows and cares for even the smallest of His children.

Candy Cane
The candy cane is like the staff a shepherd uses to guide and care for his sheep. It reminds us that God is a caring shepherd who looks after us, His little sheep.

The wreath is shaped as a circle and has no beginning or end. This gives us an example of God’s love for us, which is eternal and never-ending.

When we give presents to others, or we give of our time to make someone happy, we remember the gifts that the wise men brought to Jesus on that night long ago. Gifts are a way that we share joy with others.

The dove reminds us of God’s Holy Spirit and the peace that comes from having God in our lives.

In olden days, the city or church bells were rung in celebration when something wonderful had taken place. Jesus’ birth was a marvelous event, and at Christmas we celebrate the arrival of Jesus, God’s gift of love.

1 See Hosea 14:8.

Authored by Devon T. Sommers. Illustrated by Didier Martin. Designed by Roy Evans.
Published by My Wonder Studio. Copyright © 2019 by The Family International
Tagged: christmas