My Wonder Studio
Be the Best
Monday, February 1, 2021


Be the best. You can be the best. Be the best of whatever you are.

Be the best. You can be the best. Be the best of whatever you are.

Verse 1:

If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill,

Be a bush by the side of the rill.
If you can’t be the sturdy trunk of a tree,

Be a branch or a twig or a seed.

Verse 2:

If you can’t be a flower,

Then be the grass.

If you can’t be a muskie,

Be a bass.
If you can’t be the sun,

Then be a star.

Just be the best

Of whatever you are.

(Repeat chorus)

Verse 3:

If you can’t be a highway,

Then be a trail.

If you can’t be a hammer,

Then be a nail.
If you can’t be the head,

Then be the tail.

If you can’t be the stairs,

Then be the rail.


We can’t all be captains,

There’s got to be crew.

There’s something for

Everybody to do.

If you are big,

Or if you are small,

Just do your best,

And give your all.

(Repeat chorus)

Lead vocals by Olivia Mathews. Music and lyrics by Joanna Carruthers (lyrics adapted from “Be the Best of Whatever You Are” by Douglas Malloch). Produced by Laz Harris, Farrell Johnson, Vas Myers.
NuBeat Music Group © 2006–2015. All Rights Reserved.
Featured on My Wonder Studio.
Tagged: excellence, little things, audio